Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wrestling With The Anaxes War College System

Now that the Essential Guide to Warfare has been released we have a much better idea of how to classify ships in the Star Wars universe - due to the Anaxes War College System.

Unfortunately this also means my personal ship classification system has been made redundant.

Here is the Anaxes War College System:


A starfighter was a small, maneuverable starship designed for military combat.

Snub Fighter

Snubfighters were starfighters that usually had one to two crew members, traveled in squadrons, and were considered expendable.

Space Superiority Fighter

Short range starfighters that stayed at bases or travelled aboard capital ships. They provided scouting and skirmish lines and protected capital ships from snubfighters.

Capital Ships

Capital ships = warships that are 100 metres or more.

Corvette: 100-200 metres

Corvettes were typically small, fast, maneuverable and relatively lightly-armed capital ships.  Corvettes filled a variety of roles that ranged from picket duty within large fleets to system defense and convoy escort.

Frigate: 200-400 metres

Frigates were meant to serve in a skirmishing role to protect larger ships, or more generally, a ship designed to serve in some sort of support role such as a convoy escort vessel.

Cruiser: 400-600 metres

Cruisers are some of the largest and most common warships in a given fleet, and fullfill a number of roles.

Heavy Cruiser: 600-1000 metres

Heavy cruisers were often the backbone of any fighting fleet as they fulfill many important roles. Such roles included planetary bombardment, troop transport and ship to ship combat.

Star Destroyer: 1000-2000 metres

Star Destroyers were large capital ships that were capable of destroying entire star systems with their heavy firepower.

Battlecruiser: 2000-5000 metres

Battlecruisers were among the largest and strongest warships in a fleet. At the smallest end of the Empire's battlecruisers were the Star Cruiser line.

Dreadnaught: 5000+ metres

Dreadnaughts were powerful battleships. In the Anaxes War College System it referred to any ship over 5,000 meters long.

Here is what I was using originally:

  • Starfighters
  • Fighter
  • Bomber
  • Monitor
  • Gunship
  • Corvette
  • Light Frigate
  • Medium Frigate
  • Heavy Frigate
  • Light Destroyer
  • Medium Destroyer
  • Heavy Destroyer
  • Star Cruiser
  • Star Battlecruiser
  • Star Dreadnaught

Now I'm working on reclassifying existing ships to fit into their system. Behind the scenes work to make sure the mod is as 'cannon' as possible.

Preparing for the Alpha Release


I am now getting ready for the alpha release of the mod.

The goal is to produce a space only version to show off the ships and get feedback on balance etc.

If you want to be involved, let me know.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Z-95 Headhunter

The Z-95 is the most common starfighter in the galaxy.

You can read about the Z-95 Headhunter and Z-95 AF4 Headerhunter ships on Wookiepedia.

Role: Starfighter, Space Superiority Fighter, Reconnaisance
Manufacturer: Incom, Subpro
Build At: Fresia, Various
Size: 11 metres
Speed: 75 MGLT
Hyperdrive: None standard, upgrade
Shielding: Yes
 Main Battery: 2 Light Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 2 Concussion Missile Launchers (AF4 Variant)
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 0 (Clone Wars)

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

BTL Y-wing Starfighter

Before the B-Wing the Y-Wing was the standard bomber of the Rebel Navy. Before the X-Wing it was also their best starfighter.

You can read more about this ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Assault Starfighter, Bomber
Manufacturer: Koensayr Manufacturing
Build At: Various
Size: 16 metres
Speed: 80 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: Yes
 Main Battery: 2 Medium Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 0 (Clone Wars)

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor

The A-Wing was the Rebel's main interceptor fighter and was the fastest starfighter in the Galactic Civil War.

You can read more about this ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Starfighter, Interceptor
Manufacturer: Incom
Build At: Fresia, Various
Size: 9 metres
Speed: 120 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: 50 SBD
 Main Battery: 2 Medium Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 2 Concussion Missile Launchers (Not on all vessels)
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 3 (before the Battle of Endor)

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.