Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Shipyards by Starship Manufacturer

In the Essential Guide to Warfare there is a lot of info on shipyards that will cause modifications to the mod.

KDY Affiliated Shipyards

SFS Affiliated Shipyards

Loronar Corporation Shipyards

  • Loronar - (2 Medium, 1 Heavy) (View Entry | Wookiepedia Page)
  • Meridian Sector
  • Antimeridian Sector

Rendili Stardrive Shipyards

Lots of 'distributed partners'. 

Damorian Manufacturing Company

Tagge Industries Shipyards Limited

Neutral and Rebel Shipyards

Naval Hubs

  • Anaxes
  • Byblos
  • Abhean
  • Allanteen

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Note on Tech Levels in the Mod

Since this is a mod for SW: Forces of Corruption I thought I would lay out the general technology levels I am using.

Level 0 - Clone Wars
Level 1 - Rise of the Empire
Level 2 - Battle of Yavin
Level 3 - Battle of Hoth
Level 4 - Battle of Endor
Level 5 - Post Battle of Endor
(Thrawn Campaign - Mount Tantiss / Return of the Emperor / Return of the StarForge)

Tector-class Star Destroyer

The Tector-class Star Destroyer was the 'brother' of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer

It handles a true destroyer role - 'fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet, convoy or battle group and defend them against smaller, powerful, short-range attackers.' The Tector's heavier armour and lack of starfighter complement aid it in that role. 3 vessels of this type participated in the Battle of Endor.

You can read the Wookiepedia summary of the ship here. 

Technical Specifications

Here are the relevant stats I am using:

Role: Destroyer (true destroyer, no fighter complement)
Size: 1600 metres
Speed: 60 MGLT (Same as ISD)
Shielding: More than Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Main Battery: 20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
Secondary Weapons: 60 Medium Turbolasers, 60 Medium Ion Cannons, 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Anti-Fighter Weapons: Point defence laser cannons, Point defence concussion missiles
Complement: None.
Availability: Tech Level 0

Does anyone have a model for this ship? I am currently using the standard Imp-Star model and taking away the flight deck hardpoint and adding weapons to it.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Modular Taskforce Cruiser

The Modular Taskforce Cruiser was built by Tagge Industrial Shipyards Limited, the same company that produced the Tagge-class Battlecruiser. This is a multi-role ship with a number of different modules, I plan on making the Rescue, Survey and Observation versions.

I have liked this ship since seeing it in Dark Empire. It fills a good support role in the Imperial Navy, adding flavour.

You can read the Wookiepedia summary of the ship here

Technical Specifications

Here are the relevant stats I am using:

Role: Transport
Size: 1150 metres
Speed: Class 3 Hyperdrive, 850 km/h sublight
Shielding: Unknown
Main Battery: 15 Medium Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: None
Anti-Fighter Weapons: None
Complement: Varies based on module.
Availability: Tech Level 4

Rescue Module

This module has no starfighters and is used as a mobile repair base. So in-battle it can be used to repair ships very slowly, which might prove beneficial in long, protracted battles.

Role: Repair and recovery vessel
Complement: None

Survey Module

Role: Planetary exploration
Complement: 2 Squadrons Skipray Blastboats, 1 Squadron of TIE Bombers

Observation Module

This version of the ship lets you build probe droids, I always found them to be annoying when they can be built anywhere.

Role: Planetary exploration and espionage

Complement: 1 Squadron TIE/ln Fighters


It is another real vessel where we do not have complete canonical stats so the above is my guesswork. 

Do you have a model that I can use? If so let me know.