Friday, September 28, 2012

Star Forge Task Forces

What does the Star Forge create? I need to figure that out for the fanon galactic map 'Return of the Star Forge' for my mod, Galaxy at War.

Every week and during battle I need to know how many ships it can reasonably create.

Note - the following ships have special 'Star Forge Variants' that have have different starfighter complements than the default versions of the vessels.

Here is my first attempt:

1 Allegiance-class Battlecruiser
2 Imperial II-class Star Destroyers
2 Procursator-class Star Destroyers
1 Venator-class Star Destroyer (Starfighter Carrier)
6 Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers
8 Strike-class Medium Cruisers
12 Carrack-class Light Cruisers (Anti-Starfighter Variant)

How does the above look?

EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate

The Nebulon-B was the standard convoy escort frigate of the Imperial Navy. It was designed to counter the Rebel's hyperspace-enabled starfighter advantage.

As such they were often the largest Imperial Navy vessels nearby and did a lot of heavy fighting to protect the supply lines of the Empire.

Their weaknesses were relatively slow sublight and hyperdrive speed.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Escort Frigate, Convoy Protection
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Build At: Kuat and affiliated shipyards
Size: 300 metres
Speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 12 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  12 Medium Laser Canons
Complement: 2 squadrons of starfighters
Availability: Tech Level 1

I am currently a holder model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Carrack-class Light Cruiser

Before the details of the Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser was made canon, the Carrack-class was my favourite vessel in the Imperial Navy because it was:
  • heavily armed for its size
  • fast
  • durable
  • available with either ion cannons or lasers for secondary weapons
The two configurations were for standard fleet ships or anti-starfighter duty.

They had incredible longevity, being around in the Clone Wars (including the Battle of Coruscant) and being used until at least the time of Grand Admiral Thrawn.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Frigate, Patrol
Manufacturer: Damorian Manufacturing Corporation
Build At: Esseles, Damoria
Size: 350 metres
Speed: 80 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 10 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: Standard Configuration: 20 Medium Ion Canons
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  Anti-Starfighter Configuration:  20 Medium Laser Canons
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently a holder model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Strike-class Medium Cruiser

The Strike-class Medium cruiser was a modular, inexpensive ship designed to be mass produced for the Imperial Navy.

Of the three common configurations for the vessel, only the space superiority version makes sense for this mod so all ships of this class will follow that design.

The Imperial Order of Battle had 2 Strike-class vessels equal to one Victory-class vessel.

The weaknesses of the vessel are its slow speed and the fact that single hits could knock the vessels out.

The ship is usually used as a filler, it can be part of fleet engagements to beef up numbers or used as an escort vessel if smaller vessels like the Nebulon-B were not powerful enough.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Frigate
Manufacturer: Loronar Corporation
Build At: Loronar and related shipyards
Size: 450 metres
Speed: 16 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: 1600 SBD
 Main Battery: 20 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 10 Medium Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Medium Ion Cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: Space Superiority Version - 3 squadrons of starfighters
Availability: Tech Level 2

Tech Levels 0-3 Starfighters

TIE/LN Starfighters (3 Squadrons)

Tech Level 4 Starfighters

I-7 Howlrunners (1 Squadron)
TIE/LN Starfighters (2 Squadrons)

Tech Level 5 Starfighters

A-9 Vigiliance Interceptors (1 Squadron)
I-7 Howlrunners (2 Squadrons)

Star Forge Variant Starfighters

I am currently a holder model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Sovereign-class Star Dreadnought

The Sovereign-class was designed to be a smaller, more plentiful version of the Eclipse-class Star Dreadnaught and fullfilled essentially the same role.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Command Ship
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Build At: Kuat
Size: 15,000 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 1 Axial Superlaser
Secondary Weapons: 500 Medium Turbolasers, 75 Medium Ion Cannons, 500 Heavy Laser Cannons, 100 Tractor Beam Projectors, 5 Gravity Well Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: 50 squadrons of TIE/In Interceptors, 8 squadrons of TIE Bombers
Availability: Tech Level 5

I am currently a holder model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Eclipse-class Star Dreadnought

Along with the lesser Sovereign-class Star Dreadnaught, the Eclipse was viewed as the next generation of "Super Star Destroyer", marrying the design of the Executor-class with the superlaser from the Death Star.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Command Ship
Manufacturer: Rendili Stardrive
Build At: Kuat
Size: 17,500 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 1 Axial Superlaser
Secondary Weapons: 500 Medium Turbolasers, 75 Medium Ion Cannons, 550 Heavy Laser Cannons, 100 Tractor Beam Projectors, 10 Gravity Well Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: 50 squadrons of TIE/In Interceptors, 8 squadrons of TIE Bombers
Availability: Tech Level 5

I am currently a holder model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser

Dreadnaught-class vessels were almost a hundred years old by the time of the Clone Wars and were quickly surpassed by Venator-class and related vessels.

By the time of the Empire they were outclassed and replaced in their main role by Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers. They would have suffered the same fate as the Neutron Star-class Bulk Cruisers, shunted into low priority sectors as patrol vessels.

They came back into popularity when Grand Admiral Thrawn grabbed the Dark Force fleet of Dreadnaughts, which did not have the starfighter squadron listed below and were a darker colour.

In the Return of the Starforge campaign, I might have a few of the Dark Force variants as starting vessels, leftover from the Thrawn campaigns and as a way of reinforcing 'everything old is new again' theme of the campaign.

Here is the Wookiepedia entry.

Role: Heavy Cruiser, Patrol Frigate
Manufacturer: Rendili Stardrive
Build At: Rendili
Size: 600 metres
Speed: 13 MGLT
Shielding: 2,560 SBD
 Main Battery: 15 Light Turbolaser Batteries
Secondary Weapons: 20 Light Quad Turbolasers, 15 Light Turbolasers
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: 1 squadron of starighters
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently a holder model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Types of Shipyards

I had previously written about how shipyards are grouped throughout the galaxy by starship manufacturer.

Another important thing to consider that the Essential Guide to Warfare made perfectly clear is that only certain shipyards can build the larger vessels like Imperial-class Star Destroyers. So coming up with a classification system that handles that element is very important.

I am currently considering the following classification system:
  • Light: Corvettes, Starfighter Squadrons, Light Transports (Imperial_Light_Shipyard, Rebel_Light_Shipyard)
  • Medium: Frigates, Cruisers, Heavy Cruisers, Heavy Transports
  • Heavy: Star Destroyers, Battlecruisers, Dreadnaughts, Battle Stations

If you check out the previous shipyards by manufacturer post you will noticed I am starting to group them based on this classification. Any suggestions or info (re: sources) on how to make that as realistic as possible would be welcome.

Each shipyard would give a cumulative 5% cost/speed improvement, so building ships at specialized shipyards would be the best thing to do.

Ship Building Limitations

Now shipbuilding is limited by manufacturer, planet and shipyard. So to build an Imperial-class Star Destroyer you need to have a KDY affiliated planet with a heavy shipyard.

This system makes taking and holding certain planets a high priority, they become strategically much more important. Without them your war machine grinds to a halt.

This was discussed in the original Thrawn trilogy, where someone mentioned after the attempt to steal Republic ships that the Imperial Remnant could no longer field a proper navy because they didn't hold a lot of shipyards anymore.

If you have any shipyard models I can use please let me know.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Executor-class Star Dreadnought

The Executor-class, commonly called a 'Super Star Destroyer' (a name I dislike), was the main dreadnaught of the Imperial Navy. Depending on the sources we know of 15-20 that were created, where most other dreadnaughts seem to have less than 5 models.

Here is the Wookiepedia entry for the ship.

Role: Battleship / Command Ship
Size: 19000 metres
Speed: 40 MGLT
Shielding: ?
 Main Battery: 2000 Heavy Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: 2000 Medium Turbolasers, 250 Concussion Missile Tubes, 250 Heavy Ion Cannons
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  500 Light Point Defence Laser Canons
Complement: Two Wings of TIE Fighters and Bombers
Availability: Tech Level 2 (After the Battle of Yavin)

Tech Levels 0-2 Starfighters

TIE/LN Starfighters (10 Squadrons)
TIE/SA Bombers (2 Squadrons)
Assault Gunboats (10)
GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats (4)

Tech Levels 3-5 Starfighters

TIE/IN Interceptors (5 Squadrons)
TIE/LN Starfighters (5 Squadrons)
TIE/SA Bombers (2 Squadrons)
Assault Gunboats (10)
GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats (4)

A number of variant / 'hero' types of this ship exist:

Iron Fist

TIE/rpt Starfighters (10 Squadrons)
TIE Raptors replace the TIE Fighters and TIE Interceptors.


TIE Phantoms (10 Squadrons)
TIE Phantoms replace the TIE Fighters and TIE Interceptors.

I am currently using the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Acclamator II-class Assault Ship

Unlike the original model, the Acclamator II-class ship was mostly used for planetary bombartment. It was also used in Imperial times in a secondary role as a frigate protecting Cardan-class space stations.

I also plan on having the original model, but as a ground transport for clone stormtroopers.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Assault Ship (Bombardment), Transport, Secondary role as Frigate
Size: 752 metres
Speed: 40 MGLT
Shielding: Unknown 
Main Battery: 12 Light Quad Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: 4 Medium Turbolaser Batteries, 2 Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers
Anti-Fighter Weapons: 24 Point Defence Laser Cannons 
Complement: 2 Squadrons of TIE Fighters (Maybe 1-1 of TIE Fighters, TIE Bombers)
Availability: Tech Level 0

Have a model I can use for this? Let me know. I am using the default one right now, although it only has a few hardpoints.

Venator-class Star Destroyer

The Venator-class was the first of the new Star Destroyer class of ships deployed during the Clone Wars, followed by the Victory, Imperial and Tector classes.

It was an attempt to have a hybrid carrier / battleship in a single vessel and was later outclassed by ships with less starfighter complements that concentrated more on a fighting role.

In the mod it will be a starting ship for the Imperial Navy since most of the fleet was made up of Venator and Victory-class vessels at the end of the Clone Wars. It would then be relegated to a support role and then phased out until the Return of the Starforge campaign, where it would return as a TIE Droid carrier.

Here is the Wookiepedia entry for the vessel.

Role: Starfighter Carrier, Destroyer, Command Ship
Size: 1,1370 metres
Speed: 50 MGLT
Shielding: Unknown, Less than Victory-class?
Main Battery: 8 Dual Heavy Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: 4 Proton Torpedo Launchers, 2 Medium Dual Turbolaser Cannons, 6 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons: 52 Point Defence Lasers
Complement: 3-4 Wings of Starfighters
Availability: Tech Level 0

Tech Levels 0-1 Starfighters

V-Wing Starfighter
ARC-170 Starfighter

Tech Levels 2-5 Starfighters

TIE/LN Starfighter
TIE/SA Bomber

Star Forge Variant Starfighters

TIE Droids
TIE/AD Avenger
Scimitar Assault Bomber

I am currently using a holder model for this ship, if you have a more appropriate model please let me know. If I cannot find a suitable model I will consider using the default model that the game has but doesn't use.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gladiator-class Star Destroyer

Gladiators were originally designed as escorts for Victory-class Star Destroyers but saw limited use in that role as Victory-class ships were replaced by Imperial-class Star Destroyers as the anchor ship of the Imperial Navy.

The vessel shares the same hull as the Broadside-class Cruiser.

I am torn on whether to include this vessel since it does not appear to be used that often even though it was an older vessel. It appears to have the same limitations as the Neutron Star-class Bulk Cruiser - old technology that the Imperial Navy would want to replace with a standard escort vessel like the Nebulon-B or a standard heavy cruiser model like the Vindicator-class.

I may include this vessel just to have a personal ship for Admiral Screed. Its lowly stature suits his cartoonish villain appeal -  the classic bully, strong against the weak but weak against any half decent defence.

Here is the Wookiepedia entry for the vessel.

Role: Long Range Patrol, Escort Vessel
Size: 500 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT
Shielding: Unknown, Guessing Similar to Victory-class
Main Battery: 6 Dual Light Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: 2 Concussion Missile Launchers, 3 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons: 2 Point Defence Laser Batteries
Complement: 2 Squadrons of TIE Fighters
Availability: Tech Level 0

I currently do not have a model for this ship, if you have a more appropriate model please let me know. If I cannot find a suitable model I will consider using the Broadside-class model or not using this vessel at all.

Interdictor-class Heavy Cruiser

The Interdictor-class Heavy Cruiser, which was also called the Immobilizer 418 Cruiser, was the standard Imperial interdictor cruiser. It kept Rebel and pirate ships from fleeing into hyperspace, allowing them to be captured or destroyed.

It replaced the earlier CEC Detainer CC-2200 Interdictor Cruiser. In engagements where more durable options were needed there was the Interdictor-class Star Destroyer, but it was not built until sometime after the Interdictor-class was deployed.

These vessels cost more than an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, making them very expensive indeed.

Here is their Wookiepedia entry.

Role: Interdiction
Size: 600 metres
Speed: 40 MGLT
Shielding: Unknown
Main Battery: 20 Medium Quad Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 4 Gravity Well Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons: None
Complement: 2 Squadrons of TIE Fighters
Availability: Tech Level 2

I am currently using the default model for testing purposes, if you have a more appropriate model please let me know.

Interdictor-class Star Destroyer

Interdictor-class or 'Dominator-class' Star Destroyers were meant to be a more durable interdictor than the Immobilizer 418 Cruiser, which tended to need protection and support against larger ships.

The either operated in large fleet battles or were occasionally used alone for patrol duty.

Here is their Wookiepedia entry.

Role: Interdiction in Large Fleet Battles, Patrol
Size: 1600 metres
Speed: 50 MGLT
Shielding: 3200 SBD
Main Battery: 30 Medium Turbolasers, 30 Medium Ion Canons
Secondary Weapons: 4 Gravity Well Projectors, 2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons: None
Complement: 4 Squadrons of TIE Fighters
Availability: Tech Level 2

I am currently using the a holder model for testing purposes, if you have a more appropriate model please let me know.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sector Groupings

This info is from the Essential Guide to Warfare. This is as of the beginning of the Clone Wars. These oversectors would form the basis of the starting points for the Grand Moffs so I would like to include them in the mod.

Azure Hammer

Green Mantle

Steel Blade

White Cuirass

Shadow Hand

Black Sword

Golden Nyss

Bright Jewel
(Ord Mantell)

Brazen Petard
(Paarin Minor)

Crimson Dagger

Blazing Claw

Cerulean Spear

Iron Lance
(Ord Paardon)

Red Tails

Hook Nebula

Ivory Fang

Chrome Shield

Night Hammer

Dark Saber

Emerald Banner

Does anyone know what the status of these was by the Rise of the Empire or Galactic Civil War periods?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Imperial II-class Star Destroyer

The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer is an update over the iconic ISD I. Here is its Wookiepedia entry

This vessel basically had heavier weapons, and would have been meant to phase out the older models over time.
Role: Destroyer, command ship, starfighter carrier
Size: 1600 metres
Speed: 60 MGLT
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 6 Octuple Heavy Turbolasers, 2 Octuple Heavy Ion Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 20 Heavy Ion Canons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons: None
Complement: 1 Wing of TIE Fighters, 5 Assault Gunboats, 2 GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats
Availability: Tech Level 2 (After the Battle of Yavin)

Tech Levels 0-2 Starfighters

TIE/LN Starfighters (5 Squadrons)
TIE/SA Bombers (1 Squadron)

Tech Level 3 Starfighters

TIE/IN Interceptor (1 Squadron)
TIE/LN Starfighters (4 Sqadrons)
TIE/SA Bombers (1 Squadron)
Assault Gunboats (2)

Tech Level 4 Starfighters

TIE/IN Interceptor (2 Squadrons)
TIE/LN Starfighters (3 Sqadrons)
TIE/SA Bombers (1 Squadron)
Assault Gunboats (5)
Skipray Blastboats (2)

Tech Level 5 Starfighters

TIE/IN Interceptor (3 Squadrons, Refit Version)
TIE/LN Starfighters (2 Sqadrons)
TIE/SA Bombers (1 Squadron)
Assault Gunboats (5)
Skipray Blastboats (2)

Star Forge Variant Starfighters

TIE/D Defenders (3 Squadrons of 4)
TIE/AD Avenger (2 Squadrons)
TIE/IN Interceptor (2 Squadrons, Refit Version with Shields)
Scimitar Assault Bombers (1 Squadron)
Assault Gunboats (5)
Skipray Blastboats (2)

I am currently using a model from the original game (not the same as the ISD model) for testing purposes, if you have a more appropriate model please let me know.

Capital Ship Speed Considerations

Since many vessels do not have speeds in MGLT listed I am forced to come up with a system that will (hopefully) represent ship speeds accurately.

Here is a my basic chart:

Starfighter 80 MGLT
Corvette 50 MGLT
Frigate 30 MGLT
Cruiser 40 MGLT
Star Destroyer 50 MGLT
Battlecruiser 20 MGLT
Dreadnaught 10 MGLT

So vessels within a class could have higher or lower speeds depending on their age and individual performace.

So within the Star Destroyer class your have ISDs at 60 MGLT since they are relatively fast, VSDs at a slow 20 MGLT and VSDIIs at 30 MGLT which are somewhat faster. You have Venator's at the standard 50 MGLT.

Does this make sense? Am I way off? What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Imperial I-class Star Destroyer

The Imperial I-class Star Destroyer was the icon of the Imperial Navy and its main model of Star Destroyer. Here is its Wookiepedia entry.

The ISD anchored the superiority fleets of the Empire. Lots have been written about them elsewhere.
Role: Destroyer, command ship, starfighter carrier
Size: 1600 metres
Speed: 60 MGLT
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 6 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Turrets, 2 Dual Ion Cannon Turrets
Secondary Weapons: 60 Medium Turbolasers, 60 Medium Ion Canons, Other small weapons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons: None
Complement: 1 Wing of TIE Fighters, 5 Assault Gunboats, 2 Skipray Blastboats
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently using the default model for testing purposes, if you have a more appropriate model please let me know.

Victory I-class Star Destroyer

The Victory I-class Star Destroyer was a Clone Wars era Star Destroyer that was replaced by the iconic Imperial-class Star Destroyer due to its slow speed - which made it a poor choice for space combat. Here is its Wookiepedia entry.

The later Victory II-class was an attempt to salvage the basic model by installing better engines. While the newer engines increased the ship's speed over the previous variant, it wasn't enough compared to newer and more advanced models of Star Destroyer.

By the time of the Empire it was relegated to  planetary defence and bombardment missions, or was sent to lower priority systems that did not merit and ISD. It was sometimes also used in the role of heavy frigate.

Since bombardment does not play a huge role in Empire at War: FoC, it should be used mainly for planetary defence. In space combat it should remain near space stations and other platforms to protect them. There the VSD's speed limitations will not matter and its relative large turbolaser and missile complement can work their wonders.

Role: Planetary bombardment and planetary defence
Size: 900 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT
Shielding: 3200 SBD
 Main Battery: 10 Light Quad Turbolaser Batteries
Secondary Weapons: 40 Light Double Turbolaser Batteries, 80 Concussion Missile Tubes, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons: None
Complement: 2 Squadrons of TIE Fighters
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently using the default model for testing purposes, if you have a more appropriate model please let me know.

Victory II-class Star Destroyer

The Victory II-class Star Destroyer was an upgraded version of the older Victory I-class the debuted during the Clone Wars. It was optimized more for space combat than the earlier version.

The Victory II-class was still slower by modern standards but was much faster than the Victory I-class. They were mainly used for patrol (often in pairs) and in blockade fleets.

Role: Patrol and Blockade Vessel
Size: 900 metres
Speed: 30 MGLT
Shielding: 2880 SBD
 Main Battery: 20 Heavy Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: 20 Medium Turbolasers, 10 Heavy Ion Cannons, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons: None
Complement: 2 Squadrons of TIE Fighters
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently using an old model for testing purposes, if you have a more appropriate model please let me know.

Vengeance-class Star Dreadnaught

The Vengeance-class Dreadnaught, is a KDY variant of the Executor-class that was first built after Hoth. The Dark Jedi Jerec had his own personal vessel.

Jerec's vessel was used more as a command and logistics vessel than a warship. The only battle it is recorded as having fought was against a corvette - which doesn't tell us a lot. Other than Jerec's vessel, three ships of this class were on Byss... did they include that vessel? What happened to it after Jerec died? We do not know.

One thing with vessels this size is that if I scale them 'properly' they are too big for the default EaW maps - so I will have to create new larger space maps to accomodate larger battles. Luckily they are relatively rare.

We do not have official stats for this vessel other. We know that it is the same length and has roughly the same parameters as the Executor-class.

Role: Battleship / Command Ship
Size: 19000 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT
Shielding: ?
 Main Battery: 2000 Heavy Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: 2000 Medium Turbolasers, 250 Concussion Missile Tubes, 250 Heavy Ion Cannons
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  500 Light Point Defence Laser Canons
Complement: Two to Four Wings of TIE Fighters and Bombers
Availability: Tech Level 4

I am currently an old model for testing purposes, if you have a more appropriate model please let me know. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Note on the Imperial Academy System

Thanks to the Essential Guide to Warfare, we now know about the following:


  • Raithal (Main)
  • Carida (Advanced + Stormtrooper)


(Could also use Coruscant, since the admiralty is stationed there.)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Loronar-class Battlecruiser

The Loronar-class Battlecruiser, or Imperial Communications Ship, is this mod's tying together of two relatively unknown vessels in the Star Wars universe, the Pride of Tarlandia communications ship seen at the Battle of Endor and the Loronar Battleship - which is known of but we do not have any details for.

Loronar is mostly known for the Strike-class Medium Cruiser but they did build some of the larger ships in the Imperial Navy.

I do not know the stats, but I would have this as a generalist command ship that mainly co-ordinated ships during large fleet battles.

I am basing the 5km length based on Curtis Saxton's Technical Commentaries which guesses at it as a 6km vessel === we know battlecruisers only go to 5km though so I am capping it at that size.

Role: Battlecruiser / Communications Ship
Size: 5000 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT
Shielding: ?
 Main Battery: 80 Medium Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: 30 Concussion Missile Tubes
Anti-Fighter Weapons: None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 3

I am currently an old model for testing purposes, if you have a more appropriate model please let me know.

Bellator-class Star Dreadnaught

The Bellator-class was a scaled down version of the Mandator II dreadnaught. It sacrificed heavier weapons over earlier models to add more speed and was known as the 'fast dreadnaught'. The lack of weaponry was even more noticeable when compared to the Mandator III-class which was larger and kept the heavy weapons.

In larger fleet operations it would have had the role of hunting the other sides smaller battleships. ie. Star Destroyers and maybe Star Cruisers.

You can ready the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Dreadnaught, Destroyer-hunter
Speed: 40 MGLT (Standard for dreadnaughts is 10 MGLT)
Shielding: ?
 Main Battery: 40 Heavy Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: 100 Medium Turbolasers, 100 Medium Ion Cannons, 60 Light Turbolasers, 10 Concussion Missile Tubes
Anti-Fighter Weapons: 64 Medium Lasers
Complement: Unknown, maybe 4  GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat  and 6 Assault Gunboats
Availability: Tech Level 3

I am currently using an old model from a mod I cannot remember the name of as a placeholder. If you have a more appropriate model please let me know.