You can read the Wookiepedia summary of the ship here. I envision it as a command ship similar to the Praetor Mark II-class Battlecruiser.
Technical Specifications
Here are the relevant stats I am using:Role: Command Ship, Battlecruiser
Manufacturer: Tagge Industrial Shipyards Limited
Build At: Tepasi
Size: 4000 metres (2.5 X ISD size, Praetor's are 4800 or 3 X ISD)
Speed: 20 MGLT
Shielding: Unknown
Main Battery: Unknown, Heavy Turbolasers, Heavy Ion Cannons
Secondary Weapons: Unknown, Turbolasers, Proton Torpedo Tubes,
Anti-Fighter Weapons: Unknown , Laser Cannons
Complement: Unknown, Guessing 2-3 Wings of TIE Fighters
Availability: Tech Level 1
It is another real vessel where we do not have canonical stats so the above is my guesswork.
Do you have a model that I can use? If so let me know.