Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wrestling With The Anaxes War College System

Now that the Essential Guide to Warfare has been released we have a much better idea of how to classify ships in the Star Wars universe - due to the Anaxes War College System.

Unfortunately this also means my personal ship classification system has been made redundant.

Here is the Anaxes War College System:


A starfighter was a small, maneuverable starship designed for military combat.

Snub Fighter

Snubfighters were starfighters that usually had one to two crew members, traveled in squadrons, and were considered expendable.

Space Superiority Fighter

Short range starfighters that stayed at bases or travelled aboard capital ships. They provided scouting and skirmish lines and protected capital ships from snubfighters.

Capital Ships

Capital ships = warships that are 100 metres or more.

Corvette: 100-200 metres

Corvettes were typically small, fast, maneuverable and relatively lightly-armed capital ships.  Corvettes filled a variety of roles that ranged from picket duty within large fleets to system defense and convoy escort.

Frigate: 200-400 metres

Frigates were meant to serve in a skirmishing role to protect larger ships, or more generally, a ship designed to serve in some sort of support role such as a convoy escort vessel.

Cruiser: 400-600 metres

Cruisers are some of the largest and most common warships in a given fleet, and fullfill a number of roles.

Heavy Cruiser: 600-1000 metres

Heavy cruisers were often the backbone of any fighting fleet as they fulfill many important roles. Such roles included planetary bombardment, troop transport and ship to ship combat.

Star Destroyer: 1000-2000 metres

Star Destroyers were large capital ships that were capable of destroying entire star systems with their heavy firepower.

Battlecruiser: 2000-5000 metres

Battlecruisers were among the largest and strongest warships in a fleet. At the smallest end of the Empire's battlecruisers were the Star Cruiser line.

Dreadnaught: 5000+ metres

Dreadnaughts were powerful battleships. In the Anaxes War College System it referred to any ship over 5,000 meters long.

Here is what I was using originally:

  • Starfighters
  • Fighter
  • Bomber
  • Monitor
  • Gunship
  • Corvette
  • Light Frigate
  • Medium Frigate
  • Heavy Frigate
  • Light Destroyer
  • Medium Destroyer
  • Heavy Destroyer
  • Star Cruiser
  • Star Battlecruiser
  • Star Dreadnaught

Now I'm working on reclassifying existing ships to fit into their system. Behind the scenes work to make sure the mod is as 'cannon' as possible.

Preparing for the Alpha Release


I am now getting ready for the alpha release of the mod.

The goal is to produce a space only version to show off the ships and get feedback on balance etc.

If you want to be involved, let me know.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Z-95 Headhunter

The Z-95 is the most common starfighter in the galaxy.

You can read about the Z-95 Headhunter and Z-95 AF4 Headerhunter ships on Wookiepedia.

Role: Starfighter, Space Superiority Fighter, Reconnaisance
Manufacturer: Incom, Subpro
Build At: Fresia, Various
Size: 11 metres
Speed: 75 MGLT
Hyperdrive: None standard, upgrade
Shielding: Yes
 Main Battery: 2 Light Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 2 Concussion Missile Launchers (AF4 Variant)
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 0 (Clone Wars)

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

BTL Y-wing Starfighter

Before the B-Wing the Y-Wing was the standard bomber of the Rebel Navy. Before the X-Wing it was also their best starfighter.

You can read more about this ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Assault Starfighter, Bomber
Manufacturer: Koensayr Manufacturing
Build At: Various
Size: 16 metres
Speed: 80 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: Yes
 Main Battery: 2 Medium Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 0 (Clone Wars)

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor

The A-Wing was the Rebel's main interceptor fighter and was the fastest starfighter in the Galactic Civil War.

You can read more about this ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Starfighter, Interceptor
Manufacturer: Incom
Build At: Fresia, Various
Size: 9 metres
Speed: 120 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: 50 SBD
 Main Battery: 2 Medium Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 2 Concussion Missile Launchers (Not on all vessels)
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 3 (before the Battle of Endor)

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

B-wing Starfighter

Meant to replace the aging Y-Wing as the Rebels main assault starfighter, the B-Wing was very powerful against capital ships.

You can read more about this ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Assault Starfighter, Bomber
Manufacturer: Slayn & Korpil
Build At: Various
Size: 16 metres
Speed: 91 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: 125 SBD
 Main Battery: 1 Heavy Laser Cannon
Secondary Weapons: 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers, 3 Light Ion Cannons
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  1 Auto-blaster
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 4 (before the Battle of Endor)

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

T-65 X-wing Starfighter

The X-Wing is the iconic fighter of the Rebel Alliance, and their workhorse all purpose starfighter.

Once it was released it replaced the older Y-Wings and Z-95s that made up the bulk of the Rebel starfighter corps.

You can read more about this ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Starfighter, Escort, Space Superiority Fighter
Manufacturer: Incom
Build At: Fresia, Various
Size: 12 metres
Speed: 100 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: Yes
 Main Battery: 4 Medium Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 2 (before the Battle of Yavin)

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

E-wing Escort Starfighter

The E-wing was supposed to be the next generation flagship Rebel starfighter, but never caught on like the iconic X-Wing did.

You can read more about this ship at Wookiepedia.

Role: Starfighter, Escort
Manufacturer: FreiTek Inc.
Build At: Fresia, Various
Size: 11 metres
Speed: 120 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Yes
 Main Battery: 3 Heavy Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 1 Proton Torpedo Launcher
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 5

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

BTL-S8 K-wing Assault Starfighter

A heavy bomber produced by the Rebel Navy, the K-wing had no hyperdrive and needed cruisers to ferry it around.

You can read more about this ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Assault Starfighter, Bomber, Escort, Reconaisannce
Manufacturer: Koensayr Manufacturing
Build At: Various
Size: 16 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT
Hyperdrive: None
Shielding: Yes
 Main Battery: 1 Heavy Dual Laser Cannon
Secondary Weapons: 1 Light Quad Turbolaser Cannon, 10 Concussion Missile Launchers, 8 Proton Torpedo Launcers
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 5

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

GR-75 Medium Transport

The standard supply and troop transport of the Rebel Navy, the GR-75 was cheap but plagued with problems.

You can read more about this ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Transport
Manufacturer: Gallofree Yards
Build At: Various
Size: 90 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 4
Shielding: 240 SBD
 Main Battery: 4 Light Dual Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: None
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 1

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

CR70 Corvette

The predecessor for the classic CR90 corvette, the CR70 was popular during the Clone Wars. With the advent of the CR90, the CR70s are either being upgraded or replaced.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Corvette, Light Convoy Escort, Transport, Anti-Starfighter
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Build At: Corellia
Size: 130 metres
Speed: 50 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: 300 SBD
 Main Battery: 4 Light Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: None
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 1

Interceptor-class Frigate

A light frigate converted from an Action VI Transport, the Interceptor-class was used by those needy for capital ships, such as the Rebels, Smugglers and Pirates.

You can read more about the ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Frigate
Manufacturer: CEC
Build At: Corellia
Size: 150 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 6 Light Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 1

I am currently using the default model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

MC30c Frigate

The MC30c was more of an assault ship than the MC40a. It had no starfighter complement and had proton torpedo launchers and cluster bombs, making very deadly for a ship of its size.

You can read more about the ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Frigate
Manufacturer: Mon Calimari Shipyards
Build At: Dac, Hast, Pammant
Size: 580 metres
Speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 20 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers, Cluster Bombs
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  20 Medium Laser Cannons
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 2

I am currently using the default model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

MC40a Light Cruiser

One of the standard cruiser designs of the Rebel Navy, the MC40a usually escorted the larger MC80 vessels into combat.

It had heavy reinforced shields for a ship of its size. Compared the MC30c, it was more of a defensive ship.

You can read more about this ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Frigate, Cruiser (Anaxes War College)
Manufacturer: Mon Calimari Shipyards
Build At: Dac, Hast, Pammant
Size: 500-600 metres
Speed: 65 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: 1,696 SBD
 Main Battery: 14 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 18 Light Ion Cannons, 6 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  2 Concussion Missile Launchers
Complement: 1 Squadron of Starfighters
Availability: Tech Level 3 (Battle of Hoth)

I am currently not have a model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Assault Frigate Mark I

The Rebel Alliance upgraded and modified a number of older Clone Wars era Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers into the Assault Frigates.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Frigate, Heavy Cruiser (Anaxes War College)
Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive, Alliance to Restore the Republic (Rebels)
Build At: Rendili, Rebel Controlled Shipyards
Size: 700 metres
Speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: 2,700 SBD
 Main Battery: 15 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 20 Medium Quad Laser Cannons
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  15 Light Laser Cannons
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 2

I am currently using the default model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

Munificent-class Star Frigate

Originally used by the Banking Clan during the Clone Wars, some of the ships ended up in the Rebels hands during the Galactic Civil War.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Frigate, Heavy Cruiser (Anaxes War College)
Manufacturer: Hoersch-Kessel Drive
Build At: Minntooine, Pammant, Gwori
Size: 825 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 2 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 2 Heavy Ion Cannons, 26 Light Dual Turbolaser Cannons, 20 Light Turbolaser Turrets, Hyperwave Jammer
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  38 Point Defence Light Laser Cannons
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

Recusant-class Light Destroyer

The Recusant-class was a common vessel in the Clone Wars. The resource strapped Rebel navy used them as well.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Starfighter Carrier, Star Destroyer (Anaxes War College)
Manufacturer: Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Mon Calimari Shipyards
Build At: Minntooine, Pammant, Dac, Hast, Ruisto, Krinemonen III
Size: 1,187 metres
Speed: 30 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 1 Heavy Turbolaser Cannon
Secondary Weapons: 4 Light Turbolaser Cannons, 6 Light Turbolaser Batteries
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  30 Light Dual Laser Cannons, 12 Light Dual Laser Cannons, 60 Point Defence Light Laser Cannons
Complement: 6 Squadrons of Starfighters (72)
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

Providence-class Carrier / Destroyer

The Providence-class Carriers were light destroyers with a primary role as starfighter carriers used by the Confederacy during the Clone Wars.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

The Rebels used salvaged ships of this class in limited numbers.

Role: Starfighter Carrier, Star Destroyer (Anaxes War College)
Manufacturer: Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps
Build At: Pammant, former CIS planets
Size: 1,088 metres
Speed: 30 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1.5
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 1 Quad Light Turbolaser Battery
Secondary Weapons: 8 Proton Torpedo Launchers, 3 Medium Dual Laser Cannon Batteries
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  Point Defence Ion Cannon Battery
Complement: 6 Squadrons of Starfighters (72)
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

Bulwark Mark III Battlecruiser

Bulwarks were updated models of Clone War era vessels used by the Rebel Navy. They were the most powerful ships the Alliance used during the Galactic Civil War.

They would have fit under the Star Cruiser sub-class of Battlecruisers in the Anaxes War College system.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Battlecruiser, Star Cruiser
Manufacturer: TransGalMeg Industries
Build At: Narg, Pako Ramoon, Foerost
Size: 2,500 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT 
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
Main Battery: 1250 Light Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: 600 Light Ion Cannons
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: 10 Squadrons of Starfighters (120)
Availability: Tech Level 3

I currently do not have a model. If you have a model I can use please let me know.

Lucrehulk-class Battleship

The Lucrehulk was an old Clone Wars era vessel used in limited numbers by the Rebel navy as a starfighter carrier.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Starfighter Carrier, Command Ship, Battleship
Manufacturer: Hoersch-Kessel Drive
Build At: Pammant, former CIS worlds
Size: 3,170 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT 
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
Main Battery: 48 Light Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: None
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  8 Concussion Missile Launders
Complement: 12 Squadrons of Starfighters (144 Starfighters, X-Wing & Y-Wing)
Availability: Tech Level 0

I currently do not have a model. If you have a model I can use please let me know.

MC90 Star Cruiser

The MC90 was the first Mon Calimari vessel specifically designed as a warship.

It was designed to take on and defeat Imperial-class Star Destroyers.

You can read the Wookiepedia post here.

Role: Star Cruiser, Star Destroyer (Anaxes War College), Command Ship
Manufacturer: Mon Calimari Shipyards
Build At: Dac, Hast, Pammant 
Size: 1,255 metres
Speed: 40 MGLT 
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: Unknown
Main Battery: 75 Medium Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: 6 Proton Torpedo Tubes, 30 Medium Ion Cannon Batteries
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: 6 Squadrons of Starfighters (72)
Availability: Tech Level 5

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Dauntless-class Heavy Cruiser

Even though it was called a heavy cruiser it was really a star destroyer by Anaxes War College standards.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Star Cruiser, Star Destroyer (Anaxes War College)
Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corporation
Build At: Sullust
Size: 1,900 metres (greater than 1,200 metres)
Speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
Main Battery: Unknown, 4+ Medium Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: 6+ Proton Torpedo Tubes, 4+ Heavy Ion Cannons
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  30+ Light Laser Cannons
Complement: 4 Squadrons of Starfighters (48) - Variant with 8 Squadrons at Tech 5
Availability: Tech Level 3

This is one of the larger vessels the Rebels can get, it makes taking and holding Sullust vary important for them, especially since Sullust can build a lot of other larger vessels, like the MC series of Star Cruisers. At tech 5 the 8 squadrons makes this a great ship compared to some of the Rebels other larger options.

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

MC80B Star Cruiser

An upgrade over the older workhorse MC80a Star Cruiser, the MC80B was meant to be a durable, Imperial Navy vessel ship killer.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Star Cruiser, Star Destroyer (Anaxes War College)
Manufacturer: Mon Calimari Shipyards
Build At: Dac, Hast, Pammant
Size: 1,200 metres
Speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 48 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 20 Medium Ion Batteries, 6 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: 4 Squadrons of Starfighters (48) - Variant with 8 Squadrons at Tech 5
Availability: Tech Level 4

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

MC80a Star Cruiser

The MC80a Star Cruisers were originally starliners meant for travel and vacations. The Mon Calimari upgraded the into battleships, giving the Rebel Navy their first true war vessels capable of going up against Imperial-class Star Destroyers.

While they had less weapons than Imperial-class ships, they had heavier shielding and multiple backup shield generators.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Star Cruiser, Star Destroyer (Anaxes War College)
Manufacturer: Mon Calimari Shipyards
Build At: Dac, Hast, Pammant
Size: 1,200 metres
Speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 48 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 20 Medium Ion Batteries, 6 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: 6 Squadrons of Starfighters (72), 2 Light Freighters (YT-1300)
Availability: Tech Level 2

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

MC80 Liberty Star Cruiser

The MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser was the most common subclass of the MC80 line.

They would also be the least powerful, cheapest and earliest to make according to my limited knowledge of Mon Cal ships. But at least they could carry starfighters into battle.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Star Cruiser, Star Destroyer (Anaxes War College)
Manufacturer: Mon Calimari Shipyards
Build At: Dac, Hast, Pammant
Size: 1,200 metres
Speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 48 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 20 Medium Ion Batteries, 6 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: 3 Squadrons of Starfighters (36)
Availability: Tech Level 1

I am currently using the default model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

MC80 Home One Star Cruiser

The MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser was a command ship used by the Rebel Alliance. They were often the largest ships the Rebels had access to.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Battleship, Command Ship, Star Destroyer (Anaxes War College)
Manufacturer: Mon Calimari Shipyards
Build At: Dac, Hast, Pammant
Size: 1,200 metres
Speed: 60 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 36 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 36 Heavy Ion Cannons, 6 Tractor Beam Projectors
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: 10 Squadrons of Starfighters (120)
Availability: Tech Level 2

I am currently using the default model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

TIE/gt Starfighter

The TIE/gt (Ground Targeting) was a first generation ground bomber for the Imperial Navy. It was later replaced by the TIE/sa Bomber.

With one less laser to defend itself and a smaller bomb complement, it was less effective in its role as a bomber.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

I am not sure about using this ship in the mod. I might use it only as a ground vehicle like I did in a previous test version of the mod. What do you think? Is it worth including this?

Role: Bomber
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Build At: Liana, Corulag, Jaemus
Size: 6.3 metres
Speed: Unknown (Less than 60 MGLT)
Hyperdrive: None
Shielding: None
 Main Battery: 1 Light Laser Cannon
Secondary Weapons: 1 Proton Torpedo Launcher
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 1

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a model I can use let me know.

TIE Advanced x1

The TIE Advanced was developed and started as a test bed for Darth Vader. Based on improvements made during its design the TIE/IN Interceptor and TIE/AD Avenger were created.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

The TIE Advanced was produced in very small numbers due to its cost. Some were used for roaming fleets where their hyperdrive made them useful.

Role: Starfighter, Space Superiority Fighter
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Build At: Liana, Corulag, Jaemus
Size: 9.2 metres
Speed: 105 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 4
Shielding: Yes, Unknown
 Main Battery: 2 Medium Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 1 Tractor Beam Projector
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  1 Concussion Missile Launchers (Cluster Missile)
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 2

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Determining Population Values for Space Units

1 Population Value Units

  • Starfighter Squadron
  • Corvettes
  • Light Transports / Freighters

2 Population Value Units

  • Frigates
  • Light Cruisers

3 Population Value Units

  • Medium Cruisers
  • Heavy Cruisers
  • Heavy Transports

4 Population Value Units

  • Light Destroyers

5 Population Value Units

  • Medium Destroyers
  • Heavy Destroyers

8 Population Value Units

  • Star Cruisers

10 Population Value Units

  • Battlecruisers

15 Population Value Units

  • Dreadnaughters

Friday, October 19, 2012

Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter

The Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter, more commonly called the ARC-170 Starfighter was a heavy assault starfighter used by the Republic and later the Imperial Navy.

The ARC-170 was the predessor of the X-Wing Starfighter. The Imperials used this vessel until the cheaper TIE/sa Bomber replaced it. It was still considered an elite unit well into the Galactic Civil War.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

The Rebel Alliance also used this vessel.

Role: Assault Starfighter, Bomber
Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro
Build At: Fresia
Size: 14.5 metres
Speed: Unknown
Hyperdrive: Class1.5
Shielding: 100 SBD
 Main Battery: 2 Medium Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 1 Light Ion Canon, 1 Proton Torpedo Launcher
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Levels 0 - 2

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a model I can use let me know.

TIE Scout

The TIE Scout, or TIE/sr Starfighter as it was officially known was a scouting and light recon vehicle used by the Imperial Navy.

It's lack of shielding, light armour and single laser made it a poor choice in combat. The TIE Scout had a hyperdrive to aid in its recon role.

You can read the Wookiepedia entry here.

Role: Starfighter, Reconnaissance Vessel
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Build At: Liana, Corulag, Jaemus
Size: 24 metres
Speed: Unknown
Hyperdrive: Class 3
Shielding: 100 SBD
 Main Battery: 1 Medium Laser Cannon
Secondary Weapons: None
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 2

I am currently using the default model. If you have a model I can use let me know.