I have the base Imperial Navy done.
I will be doing a balance run once I have the Rebel Navy done, I need to finish the strong against/weak against icons for the Rebels first.
Pretty much every Imperial, Rebel, Pirate, Neutral and Hutt ship I want implemented is in there so it is just a matter of finishing the Rebel strong/weak icons and then doing a 'balance run' for things like laser/turbolaser accuracy, speed, manoeuvrability etc.
I also want to add about 6 planets including Hast, some from Sith Space, Rothana and Sluis Van. Then it will be ready to go with a simplified version of the Galaxy at War sandbox.
I need to also update the minor heroes for the Empire, I am getting rid of the generic Fleet/Field commanders and replacing them with Admiral/General, Captain/Major etc.
When I was doing a playthrough a while back it crashed unexpectedly, not sure what caused it, haven't had anything like that in a long time. So either there is a planet or unit that the AI was using / doing something too it didn't like or some other issue. Nothing showed up in the debug code so I hope it was just a fluke, if not I will have to find out what caused that to happen as well.
It's almost ready... I want to get the space demo out there to get feedback, then I can worry about the planets, land units and scenarios. The space is the easiest to do by itself, so I thought I would do that first. Being an Imperial Navy junkie may have prompted that position as well, not having access to popular ship vessels or not having them implemented the right way was always annoying in vanilla FOC.
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