Monday, November 11, 2013

Alpha Space Battles Version Soon to be Released

We are close to releasing the mod in its alpha space battles format to some of the larger modding sites out there.

There are still a few issues to be ironed out before then.
Check out the Empire and Rebel pages for more information on some of the units available.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Confederacy of Independent Systems

I just realized during testing that I had not done the Separatists yet and since I will need them for the 'Reconquest of the Rim' scenario I thought it would be good to quickly list the units I wanted to include:

Confederate Navy

Separatist Droid Army

  • Droideka Mark II (View Entry | Wookiepedia Entry)
  • Droidekas (View Entry | Wookiepedia Entry)
  • B2 Super Battle Droids (View Entry | Wookiepedia Entry)
  • B1 Battle Droids (View Entry | Wookiepedia Entry)
  • Mercenaries / Pirates

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Overnight Playtest

Last night I finished up the starfighter dogfighting improvements so decided to run a long playtest... lots of fun but the biggest thing I found was that the shipbuilding and space station building times were WAY too long...

The times I were using are found in this post, I'm thinking they will need to be cut in half at the very least.

Right now a Death Star 2 takes 13-15 minutes which I'm ok with but the rest made the game lag too long and made testing a lot harder.

My next step is to go through all the build times again with [current value / 2] build times:

ClassBuild Time
Space Station210
Battle Station180
Star Dreadnaught      150
Star Battlecruiser120
Star Destroyer90

Hopefully once I tweak to the above times it will make things run a lot smoother.

I may also make Level 1-2 space stations 180 seconds instead of 210 to make them go even faster.

I will do an update once I have launched the above changes.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Weekend Update

In my previous post I outlined how I was looking at starfighters in terms of optimizing their dogfighting capabilities.

I have to update that post, the columns that are there now are mainly defensive and I am adding in a 'laser' accuracy section to show the offensive capabilities of the ships in terms of dogfighting - starfighter to starfighter combat.

This weekend I started implementing the changes I outlined, I still have to go through some of the Rebel vessels but I am close to finishing them. Then I need to do the Hutt, Underworld, Neutral and Pirate starfighters -- but a lot of those ships are the lower end ships I've already done so it is just a matter of copying and pasting hopefully.

Then I need to do some playtesting, the numbers I gave in the post were based on my experience playing and the goals to make the Rebel starfighters superior to TIE fighters etc. So really right now it is just a hypothesis, I need to playtest it to make sure the results are there.

After that my next step is to optimize the hardpoints of the capital ships to be reflective of this post. Then I need to do a round of capital ship playtesting with the updated hardpoints and the compared to the updated starfighters.

After that, there is not much more to do before the Space Demo release.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Starfighter Dogfighting Capabilities

After I go through the weapons and hardpoints for accuracy I want to make sure that starfighters were balanced in terms of their dogfighting capabilties (ie. fighting against other starfighters in a space superiority role).

The following chart lists the average or baseline of each starfighter and how effective it is at evading enemy fire and moving around the battlefield (speed/acceleration/doding abilitiy). They are listed in order of their dogfighting ability.

Imperial Navy Starfighters

Starfighter Dogfighting Capabilities
Ship Class Maximum Speed Accel
Max Thrust Rate of Turn Max Lift Armour Hull Shields
Missile Boat 125 0.4 3.5 5.03 5 Heavy_Starfighter 20 120
TIE/D Defender 155 0.5 5.2 4.5 4 Medium_Starfighter 20 200
TIE/ad Starfighter 145 0.45 2.5 3.5 3 Medium_Starfighter 20 100
TIE Phantom 100 0.45 1 3 4 Light_Starfighter 14 40
TIE Advanced x1 105 0.35 1.5 3 3 Light_Starfighter 17 40
TIE/IN Interceptor 111 0.45 2 5 4 Light_Starfighter 16 0
I-7 Howlrunner 105 0.3 1.5 6 4 Medium_Starfighter 18 30
A-9 Vigilance Interceptor 120 0.55 1.5 2.5 3 Light_Starfighter 14 0
TIE/rpt Starfighter 100 0.45 2 5 4 Light_Starfighter 14 0
TIE/LN Fighter 100 0.45 1.5 3 4 Light_Starfighter 15 0
Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing 90 0.328 3 1.5 3 Monitor 50 100
GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat 80 0.128 1 2 3 Monitor 65 80
Scimitar Assault Bomber 80 0.35 1 1.5 3 Light_Starfighter 40 60
V-Wing Starfighter 75 0.25 0.1 3 1 Light_Starfighter 12 25
TIE/sr Scout 80 0.25 1 1.3 4 Light_Starfighter 15 30
ARC-170 Starfighter 60 0.25 1 1.3 3 Heavy_Starfighter 65 100
TIE/sa Bomber 60 0.25 1 1.3 3 Light_Starfighter 50 0
TIE/D Automated Starfighter 100 0.45 1 2 2 Light_Starfighter 12 0

Starfighter Laser Accuracy Versus
Ship Class Fighters Bombers Transports Corvettes Frigates Capital Super
Missile Boat 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
TIE/D Defender 20 20 15 20 20 20 20
TIE/ad Starfighter 30 30 15 20 20 20 20
TIE Phantom 25 25 10 20 20 20 20
TIE Advanced x1 35 35 20 20 20 25 25
TIE/IN Interceptor 40 40 20 25 25 25 25
I-7 Howlrunner 40 40 20 25 25 25 25
A-9 Vigilance Interceptor 50 50 25 35 35 35 35
TIE/rpt Starfighter 30 30 15 35 25 25 25
TIE/LN Fighter 30 30 15 35 25 25 25
Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing 30 30 20 25 20 20 20
GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat 40 40 25 35 35 30 30
Scimitar Assault Bomber 40 40 20 25 25 25 25
V-Wing Starfighter 50 50 25 40 30 30 30
TIE/sr Scout 30 30 15 35 25 25 25
ARC-170 Starfighter 35 35 20 25 20 20 20
TIE/sa Bomber 50 50 15 35 25 25 25
TIE/D Automated Starfighter 90 90 75 65 55 55 55

Rebel Alliance Starfighter Command Starfighters

Starfighter Dogfighting Capabilities
Ship Class Maximum Speed Accel
Max Thrust Rate of Turn Max Lift Armour Hull Shields
E-wing Escort Starfighter 120 0.45 2.5 4.9 4.4 Medium_Starfighter 40 50
T-65 X-wing Starfighter 100 0.4 2 3 4 Medium_Starfighter 65 50
RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor 120 0.55 3 4 4 Light_Starfighter 15 50
Eta-2 Actis-class
Light Interceptor Squadron
125 0.65 4 4 6 Light_Starfighter 11 0
Delta-7 Aethersprite-class
Light Interceptor
120 0.55 3 4 4 Light_Starfighter 16 0
BTL-S8 K-Wing Assault Starfighter 70 0.25 1 1.3 3 Heavy_Starfighter 65 75
B-wing Starfighter 91 0.25 1 3 3 Heavy_Starfighter 60 125
BTL Y-wing Starfighter 80 0.25 1 3 1.3 Medium_Starfighter 40 75
Z-95-AF4 Headhunter 80 0.35 1 2.5 4 Light_Starfighter 14 30
Z-95 Headhunter 75 0.3 1 2.5 4 Light_Starfighter 14 30
V-Wing Starfighter 75 0.25 0.1 3 1 Light_Starfighter 12 25
ARC-170 Starfighter 60 0.25 1 1.3 3 Heavy_Starfighter 65 100
BTL-A4 LP "Longprobe" 80 0.25 1 3 1.3 Medium_Starfighter 40 75

Starfighter Laser Accuracy Versus
Ship Class Fighters Bombers Transports Corvettes Frigates Capital Super
E-wing Escort Starfighter 30 30 20 30 25 25 25
T-65 X-wing Starfighter 20 20 25 25 25 25 25
RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor 40 40 20 25 25 25 25
Eta-2 Actis-class
Light Interceptor Squadron
40 40 25 35 35 35 35
Delta-7 Aethersprite-class
Light Interceptor
30 30 15 35 25 25 25
BTL-S8 K-Wing Assault Starfighter 50 50 25 35 35 35 35
B-wing Starfighter 40 40 20 25 25 25 25
BTL Y-wing Starfighter 45 45 25 30 30 30 30
Z-95-AF4 Headhunter 40 40 30 45 30 30 30
Z-95 Headhunter 40 40 25 45 35 35 35
V-Wing Starfighter 50 50 25 40 30 30 30
ARC-170 Starfighter 35 35 20 25 20 20 20
BTL-A4 LP "Longprobe" 45 45 25 30 30 30 30


The following lists defines what each of the items in the charts above mean and the in-universe unit of measure if provided:

  • Ship Class: Name of ship type.
  • Maximum Speed: Maximum speed in 'MGLT'
  • Acceleration: Rate of increase of speed
  • Max Thrust: Propulsive force, explosive moving power
  • Rate of Turn: Turning
  • Max Lift: Going up down
  • Armour: Armour class - determines damage modifier for turbolasers etc.
  • Hull: Hull strength in 'ru'
  • Shields: Shields in 'SBD'

Note: Like everything else in this mod I try to keep everything canon if possible. If I don't have information, I try to extrapolate or guestimate the 'proper' values. If you see something that looks horribly wrong, let me know.

Does this look about right? How could I improve the baseline starfighter capabilities?

Space Weapon Accuracy by Class

As part of the balancing run before launching the space demo version of the mod I've been going through various aspects of the data to make sure everything is balanced and 'realistic'. Part of that is determining how accurate various types of weapons are against different ship classes.

The following chart lists the average or baseline of each weapon class and how effective it is against the different ship classes available. Quality of weapons and pilots/crew would affect the numbers for each individual ship or hardpoint, modifying the baseline values.

Weapon Class Accuracy vs. Target
Weapon Fighter Bomber Transport Corvette Frigate Capital Super
Light Laser 30 30 15 25 25 25 25
Medium Laser 40 40 20 25 25 25 25
Heavy Laser 50 50 25 35 35 35 35
Light Turbolaser 90 90 80 70 60 50 40
Medium Turbolaser 95 95 85 75 65 55 45
Heavy Turbolaser Can't Target Can't Target 90 80 70 60 50
Light Ion Cannon 95 95 85 75 65 55 45
Medium Ion Cannon Can't Target Can't Target 95 85 75 65 55
Heavy Ion Cannon Can't Target Can't Target 95 95 85 75 65

Note: With the numbers above, the lower the better. 1 seems to be always hit.

Does this look about right? How could I improve the baseline weapon accuracy?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Coming Closer to Space Demo Release

I have the base Imperial Navy done.

I will be doing a balance run once I have the Rebel Navy done, I need to finish the strong against/weak against icons for the Rebels first.

Pretty much every Imperial, Rebel, Pirate, Neutral and Hutt ship I want implemented is in there so it is just a matter of finishing the Rebel strong/weak icons and then doing a 'balance run' for things like laser/turbolaser accuracy, speed, manoeuvrability etc.

I also want to add about 6 planets including Hast, some from Sith Space, Rothana and Sluis Van. Then it will be ready to go with a simplified version of the Galaxy at War sandbox.

I need to also update the minor heroes for the Empire, I am getting rid of the generic Fleet/Field commanders and replacing them with Admiral/General, Captain/Major etc.

When I was doing a playthrough a while back it crashed unexpectedly, not sure what caused it, haven't had anything like that in a long time. So either there is a planet or unit that the AI was using / doing something too it didn't like or some other issue. Nothing showed up in the debug code so I hope it was just a fluke, if not I will have to find out what caused that to happen as well.

It's almost ready... I want to get the space demo out there to get feedback, then I can worry about the planets, land units and scenarios. The space is the easiest to do by itself, so I thought I would do that first. Being an Imperial Navy junkie may have prompted that position as well, not having access to popular ship vessels or not having them implemented the right way was always annoying in vanilla FOC.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Another Quick Update

I have two more Rebel Navy ships to implement, the Delta-7 and Eta-2 Interceptors.

Once those are done I will be doing the neutral / pirate / Hutt / Underworld ships, which are mostly just copies of ships that have already been implemented and sorting / setting up the data files in a way that is consistent with how I am doing the data files for the Imperials and Alliance.

That should take a week or so, then I can worry about game balance and small fixes to get everything ready.

Then I have to reimplement a basic map with some of the main planets and do a quick version of the standard sandbox campaign to showcase everything.

Once that is ready I can release the mod, probably in early-mid November.

It has taken a lot longer than I thought, mostly because I set the project aside for a long time before getting the inspiration to work on it again a month or so ago... but when I do work on it, I make progress fairly quickly. I prefer a one-person modding team on a project like this for now so everything is done consistently.

Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor

The Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor was a Clone Wars era starfighter that was used by the Jedi Knights. It was an upgrade on the Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor and served as the design starting point of the A-Wing fighter.

You can read about the ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Starfighter, Interceptor
Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering
Build At: Various
Size: 5.47 metres
Speed: 125 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1.0 (with booster ring)
Shielding: No
 Main Battery: 2 Heavy Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons:  2 Light Ion Cannons
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently using a holder model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor

The Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor was a Clone Wars era starfighter that was used by the Jedi Knights.

It would inspire the later Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor.

You can read about the ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Starfighter, Interceptor
Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering
Build At: Various
Size: 8 metres
Speed: Unknown
Hyperdrive: Class 1.0 (with booster ring)
Shielding: Yes
 Main Battery: 2 Light Laser Cannons
Secondary Weapons:  None
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently using a holder model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

BTL-A4 LP "Longprobe"

The BTL-A4 LP "Longprobe" was a modified version of the standard Y-Wing bomber used by the Rebel Navy.

They fullfilled the same role as the TIE Scouts, and have the same 'ping' ability to scout battlefields. They are also stealth capable and can gather a small amount of fleet / defence information for a planet.

You can read about the ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Starfighter, Space Superiority Fighter, Reconnaisance
Manufacturer: Koensayr Manufacturing
Build At: Various
Size: 16 metres
Speed: 80 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1.0
Shielding: Yes
 Main Battery: 2 Light Laser Cannons, Ion Cannons
Secondary Weapons:  Proton Torpedos
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 2

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Barloz-class Medium Freighter

The Barloz-class Medium Freighter was a popular freighter during the end of the Galactic Republic and the Rise of the Empire periods. It was later superceded by the YT-1300 freighter.

They were useful for hauling freight.

You can read more about this ship on Wookiepedia.

Role: Transport
Manufacturer:  Corellian Engineering Corporation
Build At: Corellia
Size: 41 metres
Speed: 20 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: 240 SBD
 Main Battery: 1 Medium Laser Cannon
Secondary Weapons: None
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently the default model for testing purposes. If you have a model I can use let me know.

Republic Light Assault Cruiser

The Republic Light Assault Cruiser was a fast attack corvette from the Clone Wars. The Rebel Navy had a few of them but replaced them with the more advanced CR90 Corvettes as they could.

You can read more about the ship on Wookiepedia.

Role:  Star Cruiser (small end of battlecruiser range)
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Build At: Corellia
Size: approx ~185 metres
Speed: 60 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 6 Light Turbolasers
Secondary Weapons: None
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: None
Availability: Tech Level 0

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Liberator Cruiser

The Liberator Cruiser was a powerful front line SoroSuub Corporation capital ship used by the Rebel Alliance Fleet during the Galactic Civil War. It had heavy shielding and armour for a ship of its size, and its large complement of starfighters made it a valuable addition to the Rebel Navy.

You can read more about the ship on Wookiepedia.

Role:  Star Cruiser (small end of battlecruiser range)
Manufacturer:SoroSuub Corporation
Build At: Sullust
Size: 8,50 metres
Speed: 30 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 240 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons, 200 Heavy Ion Cannons
Secondary Weapons: None
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: X-Wings, Y-Wings, B-Wings, A-Wings (6 Squadrons)
Availability: Tech Level 2

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

Mediator-class Battle Cruiser

The Mediator-class battle cruiser was an advanced warship developed by the Mon Calamari for use by the New Republic Defense Fleet.

You can read more about the ship on Wookiepedia.

Role:  Battlecruiser
Manufacturer: Mon Calimari Shipyards
Build At: Dac, Hast, Pammant
Size: 8,500 metres
Speed: 30 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 2
Shielding: Unknown
 Main Battery: 1.000 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons, 500 Heavy Ion Cannons
Secondary Weapons: 20 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Anti-Fighter Weapons:  None
Complement: X-Wings, Y-Wings, B-Wings, A-Wings (6 - 8 Squadrons)
Availability: Tech Level 5

I am currently using a holder model. If you have a better model I can use please let me know.

Update: Working on Balance

I'm currently finishing up the Rebel Navy with a November beta Space only release as my target launch for the mod.
While doing that I have started to think about balance, especially for ships where I don't have canon values for various stats.
The following chart lists where I am currently at in terms of baselines by ship/station class:
Class Build Time Population Value Maintenance Value AI Power Armour Shields
Space Station 420 0 0.1 2000 100 5000
Battle Station 360 0 0.1 3500 100 7500
Star Dreadnaught 300 10 2.5 7500 125 12500
Star Battlecruiser 240 7 0.5 1500 100 5000
Star Destroyer 180 5 0.25 500 75 3500
Frigate 120 3 0.05 150 50 1000
Corvette 60 2 0.025 75 25 500
Starfighter 30 1 0.01 5 * Number of Ships in Squadron 5 50


  • Class: The ship or building class.
  • Build Time: In Seconds.
  • Population Value: How many population units the vessel takes up. Older and more inefficient ships like the Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser would have higher values than the baseline.
  • Maintenance Value: Taken from your income, the higher your maintenance the less money you'll have for new spending. Older or more ineffecient ships in a class would be higher than the baseline.
  • AI Power: This is how the AI calculates how powerful a unit is for battle auto-resolve and for determining if a force is powerful enough to launch an attack.
  • Armour: A general number, I have these setup in the config file and will probably need to tweak this. It works like a damage modifier, +/- damaage based on damage types like laser, turbolaser, missile etc.
  • Shields: in SBD
Does this look ok? What are your thoughts?

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Weekend Update

I was able to add in the Gladiator-class Star Destroyer with some effort, and switched Admiral Screed from an ISD to his Demolisher. It still needs to be tweaked and tested some more so that it gels with the rest of the fleet.

One non-canon thing I did was keep it as a Rendili product instead of a KDY one, since it is an outdated ship like the Victory/Dreadnaught models and was an original Walex Blissex/Rendili design. I may end up making it canon, but KDY has  full list of ships and Rendili is much smaller.

With that ship I think I am done with the Imperial Navy. There is a bug with the Golan 2 model showing green, I need to add in a shader I think for it. Other than that I am pretty happy with the selection and balancing of the Imperial Navy. I still have to go through all the ships and setup strong against/weak against parameters - they are broken due to my internal naming of the Rebel ships.

I also modified Darth Vader. There are now two versions of him, a Tech Level 0 where he is on the Exactor and a Tech Level 2 where he is on the Executor. I was going to put his starfighter on each but a horrible bug caused me to just add in a squadron of TIE Advancedx1 for now to each. I hope to fix that soon.

Friday, October 4, 2013

'Warlords' Implemented

Last night I finished implementing the Warlords feature from my unreleased version of the mod - lots of Imperial characters added, mostly of the minor flavour variety.

  • Captain Gilad Pellaeon with the ISD-II Chimaera and 3 of the ISDs in the Thrawn series such as Captain Brandei
  • Piet, Ozzel and the rest of Imperial Death Squadron for Vader
  • Admiral Daala and the Star Destroyers of the Maw Facility
  • The traitor admirals Grand Admiral Zaarin and Admiral Harkov
  • Warlord Zsinj and the Iron Fist
  • Grand Moff Adrus Kaine
  • Most of the Grand Admirals including their special abilities and ships

Lots more of the minor heroes to do for the Empire, I'll be ignoring the land based ones for the space demo release.

Once the heroes are done I'll add in the Gladiator-class Star Destroyer if I find a good model and then focus more on the Rebels. I did some of the Rebel stuff, I have to add in some of their larger vessels and then make sure their starfighters (snubbies) are given their proper due.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Rounding Out the Imperial Navy

The modding progress continues...

I've gotten the shipyards working and am now adding in the space heroes for the Empire.

In the previous personal only incarnation of my mod I implemented an idea called 'Warlords'. They were basically unique versions of a unit based on a SW character, such as Admiral Daala having an ISD Gorgon with her escort of 3-4 other ISDs or Zsinj's Iron Fist with TIE Raptors as the starfighters.

In this version of the mod I am switching to a major/minor/misc hero system that will incorporate regular heroes, unique units as heroes and misc heroes such as probe droids and bounty hunters and fleet admirals.

Heroes can be spawned one of two ways, either through the spawning system (when you increase tech levels or conquer a certain planet or conquer a number of planets) or by building them (one time only special builds.) For the buildable heroes they usually have unique properties to the base unit so they tend to cost at least 10% more - they are primarily there for interest and story purposes.

I also figured out the X-Wing bug, I was including the old squadrons.xml file and it was overwriting my changes. Whoops! I got rid of it from the GameObjects file and it is working properly now.

Once I finish the Imperial space heroes I will decide if I want to implement any other ships. I still haven't done the Gladiator-class Star Destroyer, I should probably add it in but haven't got around to it - it was not a high priority item. Right now the space hero Admiral Screed is using an ISD but he is known for bumming around the Outer Rim in his Gladiator-class vessel.

I have the 8km Bellator-class Star Dreadnaught implemented, I'm thinking do we really need the larger 12km Mandator III-class? There are already five classes of super expensive Star Dreadnaughts for the Empire, I love choice but will it really be needed? Between the Executor, Vengeance and Bellator that is a lot of choice for conventional style SSDs.

I still haven't found a model for the YT-2400 Light Freighter so I might have to drop it. Was using the M Falcon for the YT-1300 but it has a weird bug with invulnerability that I still have to fix.

I'm thinking about not doing the Bavos-II Military Space Platform and Bavos-I Military Space Platform - the Golans already offer nearly the same functionality.

Once I get those issues resolved the Imperial Navy will be done in all its glory and I can start finalizing the Alliance Navy and the Pirate/Neutral ships that will be available to fight against.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Figuring Out Shipyards... and a Modding Lesson

I had a productive weekend modding so here is a quick update.

I spent most of the time cleaning up Imperial Navy / space structures including adding in a new shipbuilding system. There are some nice complex ones in other mods but I wanted to keep to something simple if possible while still making holding key planets of great strategic importance.

Please see the previous posts on the types of shipyards and a list of shipyards by planet / manufacturer.

I have implemented the light and medium shipyards and tonight I will finally finish the heavy shipyards then test the system with a mini run-through.

I ran into some serious engine bugs trying to get this to work the way I wanted but I eventually found a compromise.

Space structures and ships must have a <Space_Station_Minimum> value set to 1 or higher to show in the proper build area. If not they show in the ground buildables section, which is bizarre - hard coding ftw! I was able to work around that though without having to implement anything crazy, you need at least a lvl 1 space station to build them - the space station hold population (ie. the workers who will be building structures or ships)

For example:

1. To build a Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser you need a SFS aligned planet + at least 1 Medium Shipyard.
2. To build an Imperial-class Star Destroyer you need a KDY aligned planet + at least 1 Heavy Shipyard.
3. To build a Tartan-class Patrol Cruiser (corvette) you  need a Damorian aligned planet like Esseles + at least 1 Light Shipyard.

I think that is a good compromise solution that works well. I will do some more testing after finishing the XML for the heavy shipyards tonight.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Making More Progress...

After a long hiatus I am back in modding mode and making really good progress.

Currently working on implementing space stations for both sides and finishing up the Rebel Fleet.

This morning I started implementing the Dauntless-class Heavy Cruiser, one of the Rebel's more capable larger vessels. Next on the list will be the Lucrehulk-class Battleship and the Bulwark-class Battlecruiser Mark 3. I need to resize the Dauntless, add in an icon and then get the hardpoints and squadron spawns working. Hope to do that tonight after work.

In terms of smaller vessels I still have to add the MC40a Light Cruiser and the Acclamator II-class Assault Ship. Then I have to fix a bug with the X-Wings that limits them to 6 per squadron - limiting their usefulness until they are bumped up to 12 per squadron.

I recently gave the Z95 Headhunters and the A-Wings multiple versions, default vanilla versions and enhanced versions with concussion missiles. (ie. the Z-95-AF4 Headhunter)

XQ and Golan Platforms have bugs where the models are showing as green, I've had that issue before and it is a pain to fix. I think right now the XQ6 and Golan 2 variants are the ones with the issues.

All in all good progress and I'm aiming to release the space-only demo in November sometime. Stay tuned!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Long time... no update...

After a long hiatus I have started up the mod again.

Right now I am getting a space-only alpha ready.

Today I am working on cleaning up ship descriptions and when/where they can be built for the Empire.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tracking Down Assets

During the long, long development of this mod I have been very poor at keeping track of where I got models from.

The last few weeks I've been looking at the mod's assets and compiling them - especially for the ship models. Once I figure out who created what I have to try and track down the model creator and see if it is ok for me to use the model in the release of the mod.

Then I have to do the same with the land assets.

Then I have to put back in all the planets I've removed and get the galaxy map working again.

The Imperial Navy is very close to being ready as is, its been much more enjoyable for playing this version than the default version and many mods.

Once that is ready I hope to do an initial release of the mod.